Needles 1-4 for Delicate goods use a DELICATE SPRING
Needles 4-7 for Standard or medium goods use a STANDARD SPRING
Needles 7-10 for Heavy goods use a HEAVY SPRING
While these suggestions may not always apply, it is a good base guideline and starting point.
Depending on the materials used and the style of stitching you may find scenarios may not always fit the above suggested recommendations and you may want to switch to a different spring. This is why having all 3 is a wise decision.
Springs are indeed an exhaustible part, yet with care and proper use should not require replacement very frequently for this style of part.
* Please note specialty and lockstitch universal feed machines may prefer a slightly different angle and/or positioning. Slight bending with proper precautions is perfectly normal and within acceptable practices for needed adjustments.
Please ask any questions you may have prior to purchasing.